
Raised where innovation was in the water. Old enough to have used a typewriter, to know what a Magic Margin was and how to use it, and that’s about all you need to know.

typewriter magic margin courtesy Theen Moy under a Creative Commons License

Proud recipient of the Insight250 award by the prestigious Esomar association for being one the top 250 data-drive leaders around the globe.
The Ness flag atop Mount Kilimanjaro along with two daughters - July 2023
The Ness flag at the top of Mount Kilimanjaro in July 2023
One of the first digital watches, created in the 1980's by an enterprising uncle.
One of the first digital watches, created in the 1980’s by an enterprising uncle.

If you’d really like to learn more about Dan Ness, visit me on LinkedIn.

Words that rhyme with Ness

In case you’ve found yourself looking for words that rhyme with ness, consider using Rhymezone, or take a look at this list:

1 syllable:
‘s, -less, -ness, bess, besse, bless, bress, bresse, cesse, ches, chess, cress, desse, dress, es, ess, esse, fess, fesse, fress, gess, gesse, ghess, gless, gress, guess, hess, hesse, jess, kess, kless, kness, kress, kresse, lecce, les, less, lesse, mess, messe, nes, nesse, pesce, pless, press, press’, presse, ques, ress, s, s., SNES (as many people pronounce it), stress, tess, thess, tress, vess, wes, wess, yes

2 syllables:
abscess, access, accresce, address, adpress, adresse, aggress, almesse, altesse, amess, assess, attests, cabesse, caress, cheese press, compress, concresce, confess, contests, de-access, depress, digests, digress, distress, drop press, duchesse, egress, ellesse, etess, excess, express, express’, finesse, fluoresce, forbess, frondesce, full dress, goldress, headdress, impress, ines, ingress, in esse, jeunesse, kermesse, kubes, l’express, land cress, largesse, ls, lutece, lyness, marsh cress, misguess, noblesse, obsess, oppress, outguess, payless, porpesse, portesse, possess, prepress, process, profess, progress, protests, punch press, recess, redress, regress, repress, requests, rock cress, siese, simplesse, spring cress, stone cress, success, suppress, the press, transgress, ts, tumesce, undress, unless, word stress, SNES (at least the way I pronounce it…)

3 syllables:
abs, acquiesce, belle isle cress, bitter cress, bouncing bess, c. b. s., catholicness, cbs, ccs, coalesce, cocktail dress, contactless, convalesce, cps, deliquesce, dinner dress, disk access, dispossess, diving dress, downy chess, dss, e. d. s., faithfulness, g. p. s., garden cress, garlic press, gps, h. h. s., i. n. s., i. r. s., intumesce, inverness, irs, lcs, letterpress, lyonnesse, meadow cress, more or less, morning dress, nonetheless, o. a. s., oas, overdress, p. b. s., plant process, printing press, public press, purple cress, reassess, recrudesce, refenes, reinvests, repossess, rocket cress, room access, scs, sentence stress, sms, sos, standing press, street address, t. b. s., tower cress, u. s. s., unkindness, uss, watercress, wedding dress, winter cress, with success

4 syllables:
abts, adss, body process, carbon process, civilian dress, cmos, durable press, hces, human process, hydraulic press, incline bench press, indian cress, japanese chess, name and address, nevertheless, officer’s mess, permanent press, printing process, return address, rotary press, solvay process, stds, tcas, transverse process, work in progress, ws

5 syllables:
american cress, bessemer process, bodily process, common garden cress, common watercress, computer address, cyanide process, damsel in distress, early winter cress, fractional process, freedom of the press, garden pepper cress, linguistic process, memory access, military press, mountain watercress, organic process, right to due process, service of process, surreptitiousness, unconscious process, yellow watercress

6 syllables:
alveolar process, economic process, metabolic process

7 syllables:
american watercress, basic cognitive process, geological process, higher cognitive process, mathematical process, pathological process, valedictory address

8 syllables:
psychoanalytic process, representational process